Gary M. Forrest, PhD, LMFT – Fort Lauderdale Psychotherapy


Gary M. Forrest, PhD, LMFT - Fort Lauderdale Psychotherapy

Dr. Gary M. Forrest (Gary) is a dedicated psychotherapist specializing in relationships, anger, substance abuse, and many other issues of adult individuals and couples.
A woman in a red dress throws a frisbee in a vibrant field of sunflowers under a clear blue sky.

Find your Balance

Gary believes that anger, depression, and anxiety are actually communication problems, which are frequently at the heart of misunderstandings and heartache. Have you or has anyone you know been caught up in a vicious circle of anxiety and rage that is soothed with weed or alcohol, which then causes depression and more anxiety? Or, have you experienced conversations with a significant other that became hurtful and left you anxious and angry? If either of these scenarios sound familiar, Dr. Gary M. Forrest can help. Gary specializes in relationship issues, anger/rage resolution, and substance abuse. Gary’s expertise in dealing with every combination of these three areas sets him apart from most therapists.

Relationship Issues

specializes in relationship issues

Anger Management and Rage

specializes in issues of rage and anger

Relationship Issues

Gary specializes in relationship issues, which often include depression, anxiety, anger, cheating, substance abuse, and sometimes, domestic violence. Roll all of these issues into one ugly ball, and they all become problems of communication. Gary works with you to find those small, easy (and sometimes not-so-easy) changes that you can make to cause big changes in your relationships.

Because every individual and couple is unique, Gary tailors his sessions to your particular needs. To find out what those needs are, in addition to simply asking questions, he uses various widely accepted diagnostic tools that can reveal aspects of your personality, such as the degree of anxiety you are experiencing when you say you are anxious, for example. In this way, he gets a very good idea of what is going on.

Anger Management and Rage

Gary also specializes in issues of rage and anger. Although the popular term is Anger Management, Gary believes that the goal of anger therapy should be to get rid of anger and not just manage it. Gary believes that each of us expresses anger differently, including not expressing it. Because of this, Gary uses diagnostic tools to help pinpoint the type of anger that you are experiencing and how well you are controlling it, or not controlling it. These tools also allow him to design an anger resolution program for you that is uniquely yours. No one else will have exactly the same program that you have because how you experience and express anger is also uniquely yours.
A woman joyfully holds colorful balloons in a vibrant green field under a clear blue sky.

Substance Abuse

Gary specializes in substance abuse issues. In fact, his interest in substance abuse and dependence issues caused him to enroll in a Certified Addictions Professional (CAP) program even before he left his first career in high technology management. The CAP program included 350 classroom study hours and 6000 hours (approximately 3 years of full-time work) of addiction-specific professional work experience.

In 2014, Gary became a Certified U.S. Department of Transportation Substance Abuse Professional (SAP), which means whenever the operator of a bus, truck, train, plane, or ship has an incident that may be caused by alcohol or drug use, or if an operator fails a random drug test, he or she is sent to a SAP who evaluates their fitness for service and designs a treatment plan for that individual. This is a great responsibility, and Gary is proud to hold this certification.

With all of his study of substance abuse, Gary is very interested in programs that do not embrace the 12-step model, such as SMART Recovery. Gary has found that 12-step programs such as AA and NA can be very helpful for some people. For those individuals who do not enjoy 12-step programs, Gary has been successful in treating substance abuse as a compulsion, like gambling, overeating, or smoking.

Gary offers an individual Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for busy executives and affluent individuals who need a court-ordered (or, in some cases, divorce lawyer-ordered) IOP program, but who either do not wish to complete the required nine hours per week in the company of others or who need a schedule that will allow them the flexibility to hold down a high-powered job. This discreet program has been highly successful. Gary uses various techniques and diagnostics to engage easily bored, busy individuals.

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